Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Facebook Story

There has recently been an outbreak of a stomach bug called the Norovirus in south Auckland. It’s a stomach bug that gives you the shits and spews and also makes you feel like you're pregnant with an alien baby. Officials say it spreads easily through children and is mainly from not washing hands after wiping ass. However there are many ways you can catch it and sometimes it is of no fault of your own such as your drinking water supply being contaminated by wastewater, it can also be found in the food you eat or the air you breathe. It often occurs in semi closed communities like hospitals, rest homes, camping grounds, prisons etc. To some people it’s almost taboo talking of such things but because I think I had it; I don’t mind talking about it.

  Recently at south Auckland's Middlemore Hospital there was an outbreak of norovirus, with over 150 patients, doctors, employees and visitors showing the symptoms of norovirus. One ward is even being used for norovirus only and the hospital was asking visitors to ensure they were well and had no symptoms of norovirus for at least two days, and to wash their hands rigorously before and after visiting. To have a viral outbreak in a hospital like Middlemore is quite a worry. It makes me wonder if they are doing their best to keep things clean there. It seems strange that a hospital in New Zealand could have had an outbreak like this and even stranger that no one is even complaining about it or raising it as an issue that needs to be addressed. Hopefully there will be an investigation into how this could have happened.


  My older sister who works in an early child care centre got it first. About a week later her daughter got it. I had to look after her while she had it and then surprise, surprise, I got it. That is how easily it spreads. It seems to last only a few days but it’s a really nasty few days and leads to a forced detox and a spring cleaning of the bathroom to get the smell out as you only have to smell it to catch it. Clothing was washed twice and my bedroom was wiped clean from the upchuck when I was too slow to get to the toilet. I had the urge to purge and salsa with the toilet every 20 minutes that first night. I was quite surprised at the amount of food there was coming out. It was full of chicken pasta from the night before and boiled cabbage in an ocean of miso soup and I haven't started talking about the runs yet! All I’ll say is 'You don't want it." it burns like acid!

  On the plus side I lost abit of weight and also a group of about 20 Australians who had been skiing in New Zealand reported norovirus symptoms after returning home to Australia last month, "Hopefully they pass it on." Public Health South doctor officer of medical health Darrel Beck told NZ Monkey Newswire.



  1. Thank you Munro for your enlightening if not entertaining post. I will be sure to wash my hands after every bathroom stop as I usually do, and steer well clear of any suspecting cases within 2 metres of my vicinity.

  2. i just so happen to move right next to middlemore... *ugh* if i get it, don't worry we're all sharing the virus.. lol..

    nice write, can imagine everything...

  3. Hehe Ngarangi lucky you added 'as I usually do' to your comment.. everybody wouldve been like eww lol... and Toa all I can say is... be ready hahaha

    1. I know. I'm a clever writer but and know how you and especially Mafi thing!

  4. Dang, what a lovely description of norovirus munro lol! It really does worry me that a hospital such a middlemore does not have better hygiene standards. I mean just because were south auckland doesnt mean we deserve second rate health care. Will definately take every precaution to ensure I dont contract norovirus!
