Sunday, October 14, 2012

Internet language experiment.

The middle class kid said his apology to the plaintiff for pulling out the pistol at the laundry shop. Sometime later the public accusations lead to a sudden plea seldom seen by the troubled crowd. He praised the fatal vacuum harvest epidemic and spit at the skilled naval marine devil who organized the warehouse cargo. The not very articulate but brave woman fits stereotypes that frustrate the foreigner. The likelihood of fame is upon her from the striking gaze of the nation her mind goes blank halfway through. She feels isolated.Fucking embarrassed. She grins then takes the plunge talking about the sponsor, the demographic, programming, and the legislator. The rally squad cheer. This is an example of how to write at my creative writing course
by Justin Beiber

Each word highlighted, is from the bottom of a list of the 5000 most searched words on Google. I am hoping that this little story that doesn't make sense, made up of common searched words (but not too common or you will end up on the bottom of the search results list) will get my blog more page views. If you were brought to this blog because of searching one of those words please leave a comment. 


  1. Yeah when I first read your blog I thought WTF? But after doing the exercise, pretty cold aight dude.

  2. Cool ^^ Funny idea to make a little story about the most popular words, I think I will copy your idea on my own language and see how my story will be :p

    Have looked at both this and the drawing blog, I like them both, will check a bit more at this now...

    Simian liner Tove Norkvist(In the group at facebook).
