You've probably seen these before. Meme's. Pronounced 'meeems' are ideas or messages that go viral or become very popular. They are easy to create and if the Meme is liked and shared by people then they spread through society and become iconic. Sometimes the chances of your Meme going viral depends on what is happening in society at a certain time. Because it is Halloween week now the chances of finding Halloween meme's becomes higher. It was the same when the Olympics were on or anything like that. If you focus your Meme on a current event it will increase the likehood of it going viral.
Some Meme's go viral because they contain political messages.
Some Meme's are to uplift and if it has a quote from well known people, then the meme is even more likely to go viral.
Some images are constantly used in Meme's but remixed with different text which means that Meme's can be made by anyone and they are; which amounts to a whole lot of shit to sift through on your fb page or whatever social networking site you use. Whether Meme's can be called a new artform I am not sure but judging by what people call art in the passed then its as much art as anything else.
Heres some I made up. One serious, One not, both stink.